Home-made Documentation

My documentation  is one of my main supports to help my teams to advance and track progression with serenity on short, middle and long term. Every human or group is a challenge to  understand but it is a mandatory step to transmit a clear message.

I try to improve and learn as much as I can depending on the people I'm working with. Each project is a challenge to adapt and an occasion to extend the boundaries of my definition of " Project Management".

Dynamic prod forcast

Attribute ressources to task head 

Mission : Before the beggining of a sprint, we needed a document to track the availability of every human ressource in order to estimate her/his workload. 

Goal :  Create a stable data base structure, easy to change allowing data control inside the excel functions.  Make the document as afordable and as dynamic  as possible to give instantly some visibility on the stress points. Allow simultanious writing but enable cell lock for the associate producers to react to meeting problematics and allow anyone to update his info as soon as will. The challenge of this document was to do everything quoted... without macros.

show down of the document with some placeholders

(feel free to watch the tutorial page 1 to understand the organisation and the features of the document => link =>)

Vulgarisation of data architecture design 

cross-"software" page sharing 

Mission : In order to avoid leaks and control data streams with other ubisoft studios, we needed to create a tool for "a mysterious software" to share pages to specific trusted machines. 

Goal : My collegues and I designed the architecture of the tool and I did the following slides in order to make a wide public understand it's functionning and goal. 

For NDA reasons, some info have been cut

(don't forget to watch in diaporama mode if you want to enjoy the full potential of the presentation =>  link =>)


Sell the product to the newcommers

Mission : To pump the newcommers and help them to integrate asap in the prod, the game director asked me to rework the slides to make them more cinematic and show friendly.

Goal : Identify color tones working well together, light the text display text to the minimum, only keep the important info on the screen or the impacting numbers, make the whole presentation fluide with animation, morphings and transitions. Use the energy of the mouvement to keep the audience's attention.

show down of timprovised slide architectures with some placeholders 

(don't forget to watch in diaporama mode if you want to enjoy the full potential of the presentation => link =>)

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